what to do to considerate making an advert

In this assignment I will be talking about two different and contrasting radio advertisements. The two types of commercials I will talk about is shock and humour. The commercial I'm going to talk about for shock, is the THINK adverts and for humour I am going to talk about, Go Compare.

The first contrasting advertisement I am going to talk about is, the theme of shock and the advert is the THINK road safety miniseries. The THINK miniseries radio advert fits into the idea of shock as it gives messages about what could happen to you if you do not behave by the road. THINK advertisements were produced by THINK in 2010. THINK is promoting road and child safety and trying to help improve it. They are adverts that are being serious and formal to warn people what can happen especially to young children. The structure of these adverts is that they’re part of a series which includes 4 kids and they each have a different story about what happened to them. This miniseries is successful at frightening young people into being safe around the roads and be aware of all your surroundings when, walking along the streets as, anything can happen to you. The use of sound bed in these adverts is that there is quiet, slow music and, also background noise of other kids playing but more importantly they have sound effects of cars on the road. This use of sound gives us a realistic feeling and try to give us a representation, of what could actually happen. In the voice over they include the title of the mini story and at the end they say the name of the company "THINK!". The voice over by the narrator is done in a a low pitched, deep tone. The advert includes both diegetic and non diegetic sound. The diegetic sound being the sound effects of the vehicles and children in the background and the non diegetic sound being the narrators voice. They include a use of a tag line as THINK! have a slogan "Stop, Look and Listen". They include this by adding it into the titles or saying it towards the end of the advert. There is a use of persuasive techniques used in the advert which is the use of audience fears/desires as they try frightening you into being carful around roads. If you are in the car and you hear the advert playing the tone of the voice will make you think twice about how careful you should be, around pedestrians and, make you be a lot more aware about your surroundings. The level of distribution for the THINK! adverts is national as, it is played all over Great Britain as, its making everyone aware of what can happen to anyone along the roadside.

The next contrasting advert I'm going to talk about, is the theme of humour and, the advert is the Go Compare insurence advert. The Go Compare adverts fits into the theme of humour because the songs they create for the advert. The Go Compare adverts were first aired in 2010 and is produced by the Go Compare company. The message that the advert gives is, just an explanation of what they do but, they have made it so that its in a humourous style that engages the audience and gets stuck in their heads. The Go Compare advert is, an informal advert that you will find on near enough all radio stations but, mainly radio stations with younger audiences. The structure of the advert is a comedy drama as its meant to be like a joke with people acting and singing as well as, messing around. The whole purpose of the adverts is to entertain and try to attract a wide audience which, it does and has made success from it. The advert has helped to gain new customers and help market share. The use of sound bed in these adverts is sting (short piece of music that is associated with the product). There is also a non diegetic sound as, the man is singing. The voice over is, of the main character singing about the product helping to sell the product. The songs always include the name of the company each time. The voice over is a single/ multi voice  dialogue as sometimes more than one people are singing in the video. The main character is singing in a Walsh accent. The persuasive techniques is getting the songs stuck in peoples head and even getting celebrities in to gain an audience. The level of distribution is a National distribution as its played all over the country. The advert always repeats the product name in the advert to make you constantly remember the name. . The audience is a middle aged, older person as it’s for the older generation and not kids. They, sometimes include a celebrity to help promote the company. They always mention that, they have low prices so that, they can try and get new customers to join them. For example, in the first 10 seconds of the advert they have mentioned “Go Compare! Go Compare!” about two or three times to try and get in people’s heads to make them remember the company.  The Go Compare adverts are more of a one off advert even though, there are many of the adverts but, it’s because they are not a series as all the adverts are different and are not linked. 


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