
3 Purposes of commercial radio:

Advertising, profit, promotion of the artist

List 2 regulators:

OFCOM: remove or edit if not suitable
ASA: Edit and remove

name 3 codes in audience to regulators:

Use of children(Watershed)- after 9pm swearing, violence is allowed.
Ethics, politics, Fair play

List 2 styles of radio commercials:

Humour, shock

List 2 persuasive devices in radio:

Perform, persuade, and sell
 Maslow's Hierarchy of needs:
*Esteem needs: respect, confidence, admiration, self confidence, self acceptance, self-worth.(4)
*Physiological needs: food, drinks, sleep, relief from pain. (1)
*Self actualisation: fulfil one's potential, develop potential, do what you are best suited for, discover the truth about your self, create beauty, produce order, promote justice. (5)
* Safety needs: security, protection, order and freedom from danger. (2)
*Love and Belonging needs: Friends, companions, being part of a group or family. (3)


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