
How to get a music video or audio:
go on google.
Go on YouTube 
Choose a song
Copy the link and pace onto
Choose audio or video
Press download.
How to take a screenshot:
Press cmd+shift+4 
·      A sky full of stars ------------- Live/ In concert
·      A head full of dreams-------- CGI
     Talk------------------------------ Narrative

4) Script
A sky full of stars:

1.A sky full of stars is a live performance music video as it is performed on kings street in Sydney.--2.At the start of the video there is a natural camera movement of the camera shaking with sound effects of the street so cars, talking etc. when Chris Martin starts to walk on the street around the corner you see, people with their phones out taking photos/videos of him walking along the streets with different instruments.(insert vid/photo) they then, start to perform in a open area where people are sitting/standing watching them sing.---3.They then walk over to an area and start  performing underneath a some art work on a wall by beaches that says "I have a dream" which is the name of the famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr on august 28th 1963.The reason why Chris Martin would have chosen this place is because he would want people to have dreams and believe in themselves hence the song being called A sky full of stars. Chris Martin then, has a lot of people starting to follow him along the streets it is classed as a live performance as it is in front of fan. At the end he gets the audience to join in and start singing with him. Some conventions in the music video are the use of bright colours to present a positive feeling. Bright colours are usually a generic convention in pop music videos. We can see that there are a lot of mid and close up shots which, show everybody's facial expression.

--------------------image on screen/then merges into a video as evidence of, what is going on.------------

Adventure of a lifetime:

1.  Adventure of a lifetime by Coldplay, is a CGI music video that is based on multiple CGI chimpanzees who end up dancing. At the start the chimps are just acting normal but then, one of them finds a speaker and the music, starts to play so, the chimps start listening then, start to dance to the music. The use of CGI helps, to create a picture of imagination. When, the singing starts the, chimps stand up then one of them goes off by, its self, stands up and starts singing and dancing to the song. the whole point of the CGI is to create a sense of surrealism as its presenting us with a vision digitally and as it is un real to ever happen. Surrealism is very common in CGI videos if there music videos or films as, they allow you to express your imagination. There is a lot of bright colours being used again which gives us a clue that, bright colours are used a lot within the band. The CGI helps use escapism witch helps us get out of our own reality.In the video they cut the video to the beat so that the chimps are in time with the song. 



1.  Talk by Coldplay, is a narrative music video. The reason why it fits into the style as narrative is because, the video reflects the lyrics helping to tell a story. The video consists of many different camera angles being used, especially wide shots, long shots, close ups, high angle shots and, mid shots. The lighting in the video is dark as, it is meant to be set in space but also it is meant to be set as an old fashioned video so the lighting, is in black and white. There is a camera movement of tracking shots being used in the video. Allusion is used in the music video as to help give an understanding of the lyrics. 


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