semiotics H/W for Harry

  1. Who are the two linguistic philosophers that semiotics is developed from? the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and Pierce and more recently from the work of French 'structuralist' Roland Barthes in the 1960's.
  2. Which French ‘Structuralist’ recently developed this media concept?
  3. The two methods Roland Gérard Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, linguist, critic, and semiotician. he influenced the development of many schools of theory, including structuralism, semiotics, social theory, design theory, anthropology, and post-structuralism.
  1. Describing the TEXT is called: Descriptive text
  2. Myths and associations with the TEXT is called  Connotations
  1. What quest is at the heart of the semiotic approach? The Meaning
  2. Identify the factor that is given for readings of a media texts that determines the variety of meanings it can give? A variety of meanings are possible depending upon the cultural position of the reader. for example age, class, ethnicity etc. 
  3. What word is given for OPEN TEXTS ? Polysemic
  4.  Popular and mass culture e.g. mass media texts are known as mass media texts.
  5. _________ where words, captions or logos are used to direct a reader towards a particular meaning.
  6. __________ is when a text prefers one particular meaning.  These can be a result of media producers agendas and assumptions.
  7. Define Stuart Hall’s THREE main types of audience decoding.
  1. DOMINANT: When the reader accepts the full preferred reading offered by the text.
  2. NEGOTIATED:where the content of the message is adapted to fit the specific social condition of the reader to produce a new meaning. i.e. middle class women may respond to advert portraying female as a sex object as OK but not for me, she may have other ideas on how to assert her independence/control.
  3. OPPOSITIONALwhere the dominant reading is contested and a reading which opposes it is produced. i.e. feminist may see the same image as degrading to all women and exploitative.
  1. How media texts speak to an audience is known as _____  _________
  1. Describe how this is applied to FILMS and TELEVISION
  1. Define what the MALE GAZE is ? Camera shots and editing combine to represent women as objects of the controlling male gaze. The audience are stitched in to ‘sexist’ positions as though they are ‘natural’ ways of perceiving reality. (sexualising women in media for mens enjoyment). 
  2. What is Semiotics? Semiotics has influenced our understanding of popular culture and has been applied to areas such as music, fashion , eating and dance.
  1. How could you apply this to a MUSIC VIDEO ? you can include the most popular things people are into at that time, to try and bring in a, wider range audience. 


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