
Showing posts from January, 2019

what to do to considerate making an advert

In this assignment I will be talking about two different and contrasting radio advertisements. The two types of commercials I will talk about is shock and humour. The commercial I'm going to talk about for shock, is the THINK adverts and for humour I am going to talk about, Go Compare. The first contrasting advertisement I am going to talk about is, the theme of shock and the advert is the THINK road safety miniseries. The THINK miniseries radio advert fits into the idea of shock as it gives messages about what could happen to you if you do not behave by the road. THINK advertisements were produced by THINK in 2010. THINK is promoting road and child safety and trying to help improve it. They are adverts that are being serious and formal to warn people what can happen especially to young children. The structure of these adverts is that they’re part of a series which includes 4 kids and they each have a different story about what happened to them. This miniseries is successful at

semiotics H/W for Harry

Who are the  two linguistic philosophers  that semiotics is developed from?   the Swiss linguist  Ferdinand de Saussure  and Pierce and more recently from  the work of French 'structuralist' Roland Barthes in the 1960's. Which  French ‘Structuralist’  recently developed this media concept? The two methods  Roland GĂ©rard Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, linguist, critic, and semiotician.  he influenced the development of many schools of theory, including structuralism, semiotics, social theory, design theory, anthropology, and post-structuralism. Describing the TEXT is called:  Descriptive text Myths and associations with the TEXT is called   Connotations What quest is at the heart of the semiotic approach? The Meaning Identify the factor that is given for readings of a media texts that determines the variety of meanings it can give?  A variety of meanings are possible depending upon the cultural position of the reader. for example age, class