
Showing posts from November, 2018

26.1 marinas assignment: The Theory of Films

26.1: Theory of Films  In this assignment I’m going to be talking about the different techniques, codes and conventions, and theories two different directors use in their films and their genres.  Auteur Theory: The director I am choosing to write about is Tim Burton. The theory I would link Tim Burton to is the auteur theory. The first way that he uses the auteur theory is, by using the same actors e.g. Johnny Depp and how he uses him as a main character in Charlie And the Chocolate Factory, Edward scissor hands, A nightmare Before Christmas(animation), and Corpse Bride (animation). A list of his films Are Charlie And the Chocolate Factory, Edward scissor hands, A nightmare Before Christmas(animation), and Corpse Bride (animation), Alice in Wonderland, Alice through the looking glass, Beetlejuice 1 & 2, Batman (1989), Frankenweenie, Planet of the Apes (2001), Batman Returns. Tim Burton uses the same actors in most of his films which is the use of the auteur theory.


3 Purposes of commercial radio: Advertising, profit, promotion of the artist List 2 regulators: OFCOM: remove or edit if not suitable ASA: Edit and remove name 3 codes in audience to regulators: Use of children(Watershed)- after 9pm swearing, violence is allowed. Ethics, politics, Fair play List 2 styles of radio commercials: Humour, shock List 2 persuasive devices in radio: Perform, persuade, and sell ========================================================================  Maslow's Hierarchy of needs: *Esteem needs: respect, confidence, admiration, self confidence, self acceptance, self-worth.(4) *Physiological needs: food, drinks, sleep, relief from pain. (1) *Self actualisation: fulfil one's potential, develop potential, do what you are best suited for, discover the truth about your self, create beauty, produce order, promote justice. (5) * Safety needs: security, protection, order and freedom from danger. (2) *Love and Belonging needs: Friends, c

Recap of commercial radio

3 Purposes of commercial radio:  1) Advertising 2) Artists                          -events:£, competitions:-Calling 3) Selling newscasts                                               -Texting                                                                                 -Tweet List 2 regulators:What do they do: Ofcom, ASA/ codes:                      -Use of Children- Watershed                      - Ethics- Fair Play Radio centre: look at scripts and say whether it is suitable for young viewers. Humour in adverts: -Stereotypes -Play on words                                                               -Repetition of an advert in a advert break                                                                                                                                                                                Shock in adverts:                                                                       -Character (Voice of child)                                  

making a complaint about an advert

How to make a complaint! 1) Go on the ASA website 2) Go on 'make a complaint' 3) Read the info and download the complaint form 4) After completing the form send it.