
Showing posts from October, 2018

What I have learnt H/W for Harry

WHAT I HAVE LEARNT SO FAR!! So far in media I have learnt about the 10 different media skills for example: Planning(production schedule), writing (journalism, script writing), the three types of production (pre-production, production, post production),Presentations, ideas development, graphics (photoshop etc), marketing   (target audience, genre), and contingency (back up plan). I have also learnt about the different media industries and their forms and texts for example: film, music, animation, audio (radio and podcast), websites, TV, video games (which involve escapism) aimed at 7 to 35 year olds, press (newspaper,  books, magazines). I also learnt about iconography and how the iconography of a horror film would usually be blood, thunder, high/low pitched tension building music. I have learnt the difference between cross over genres and sub genres as a cross over genre is when you have a film genre mixed with a game, TV etc for example an action TV programme, Action film, acti